Friday, September 24, 2010

Guess who's back!

Wow! What a year! Longest year of my life I do believe. I have been so bad about not keeping up and writing everything down so I am going to do my best to remember and try to update everyone. I need to put this all in a I had planned to in the beginning. I know boys are different than girl but Dylan still may want to look back on this one day. So here goes...........
I had a doctors appointment on June 2nd 2010. *Dylan was due on the 18th of June* Adam took me to the appointment. I always called them "our" appointment, I don't think he missed one! I had been having real bad problems with my leg to the point I couldn't even lift my leg in the bed. Come to find out it was sciatic nerve and I almost couldn't take it any longer. The doctor examined me and I had already started to dilate. I asked when did he think we could induce. He looked at us and said come in this Saturday and we will have a baby Sunday. Adams jaw hit the floor and all I could think was that's only 3 days away. Aah!! Adam looked at the doctor and said, "this Saturday??!!...are we talking about the same Saturday?" The doctor laughed and said yes, this Saturday. Adam didn't say much as we approached the front desk. It was kinda sad because I knew that was the last "baby" appointment we would have. I enjoyed traveling to Montgomery with my husband and having dinner with him throughout the entire pregnancy. But boy o boy what a pregnancy it was and I was ready for Dylan to make his arrival. Ken and Kelli were at the hospital, they had Lily the day before on the 1st, so we went to visit. We stood outside for awhile hugged, laughed, cried, then called everyone we could think of. Everybody was so excited. We met Valarie at the door and walked to Kelli's room. Lily was BEAUTIFUL! Dylan is going to have the best of friend! We left Montgomery and came home for church.
Saturday rolled around and emotions were everywhere! Didn't know if we wanted to laugh, cry, or what. I think we were both very very nervous. We left Greenville about 11:00. Made our usual stop to Priester's and got Adam his divinity. We met mom and dad at Texas Roadhouse....our favorite. I had the pork chop and couldn't even eat much. We enjoyed our dinner together, it was really nice. Adam's parents later came in and also had dinner. Before we left my phone started ringing, it was Niki. Adam's 1st cousin was also pregnant and due on the 18th. She asked where we were and I told her. She said her and Todd were about to have A BABY!!! They beat us to the hospital and Beau was on his way! After dinner mom and dad went to check in the hotel and we headed to the hospital. We got checked in and they placed us right next to Todd and Niki! All the family was really was the best thing! Beau was born around 7 that night.

They hooked me up to the monitors and I was having strong contractions but because the bad pains in my leg I was not able to feel them. (Thank goodness!) Everyone left and we got ready to try and get some rest. My water ended up breaking on its own around 10:00 Saturday night. Thank you Lord for having me in the hospital and not in the middle of WALMART! Never once felt a contraction and labor was the easiest thing ever! Really it was! I would rather go through labor 5 times than my pregnancy once! =) was that bad. Mom and my sister were in the room holding my legs and Adam was right beside me. I loved having them in there with me. I pushed for about 20 minutes and Dylan was born at 10:19. 6 pounds - 19 in long.

*can you believe out of all the "picture takers" we never got a picture of all 3 of us! gah!*

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